Industrial Factory in Vicálvaro, Madrid.

Tomorrow, 28th January, the mayor of Madrid, Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón, will visit the ‘Factoría Industrial’, an infrastructure aimed at small enterprises in both the industrial and service sectors. GEASYT is in charge of the complex’s Project Management.

Factoria Industrial: Vicalvaro, Madrid.

The premises, situated in the Vicálvaro district in Madrid, has been designed to provide small companies from Madrid with adequate spaces for rent. These spaces have been specifically designed to meet the companies’ needs.

This first industrial factory is divided into 16 industrial premises with an area of 280m2 per space, upgradeable to 370m2. The premises have natural lighting, solar energy systems, restroom, showers, etc.

An annex building has been constructed to contain a conference room, access control point and a parking lot. The premises have been designed in order to provide the companies that install themselves with all sorts of services. ‘Madrid Emprende’ will administer the premises, taking care of maintenance and providing consultancy, educational courses and help with hiring.

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The companies that will be selected to occupy the factory will be chosen on criteria such as research and development or job creation.