Project Management: Beneficios y valor añadido

En el último número de Project y Facility Management, publicado por Grupo Vía, aparece un artículo nuestro sobre los beneficios y valor que aporta el project management.

Puesto que en GEASYT apostamos fuertemente por el project management como parte integral de nuestros proyectos, no queremos que nadie deje de leer el artículo, así que aquí lo tenéis. Podéis consultar la revista completa en pdf pinchando aquí.

Industrial Factory in Vicálvaro, Madrid.

Tomorrow, 28th January, the mayor of Madrid, Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón, will visit the ‘Factoría Industrial’, an infrastructure aimed at small enterprises in both the industrial and service sectors. GEASYT is in charge of the complex’s Project Management.

Factoria Industrial: Vicalvaro, Madrid.

The premises, situated in the Vicálvaro district in Madrid, has been designed to provide small companies from Madrid with adequate spaces for rent. These spaces have been specifically designed to meet the companies’ needs.

This first industrial factory is divided into 16 industrial premises with an area of 280m2 per space, upgradeable to 370m2. The premises have natural lighting, solar energy systems, restroom, showers, etc.

An annex building has been constructed to contain a conference room, access control point and a parking lot. The premises have been designed in order to provide the companies that install themselves with all sorts of services. ‘Madrid Emprende’ will administer the premises, taking care of maintenance and providing consultancy, educational courses and help with hiring.

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The companies that will be selected to occupy the factory will be chosen on criteria such as research and development or job creation.

Blood Transfusion Centre, Madrid

Property: Madrid Health Service, SER+MAS
Architects: Pilar Alonso, Paloma Huidobro, Miguel Ángel Álvarez
Location: Avenida de la Democracia, Valdebernardo
Project date: 2000
Completion date: January 2003
Work performed: Architecture, structures, engineering and management
Built surface: 12.826 m2

The project presents a wide range of design possibilities, both in building and design.

The program has been developed around a central spine, which by means of glass elements on the deck and interior courtyards, allows for interior lighting.

The building is three floors high, plus a basement that holds the parking lot as well as rooms for storage, etc.

The most important part of the programme is developed on the ground floor, where the main access for donors and workers is situated. Right across the main access one can find the cafeteria and auditorium.

The “blood factory” or Fractionation Laboratory, where blood extracted from donors or received through exterior donations is treated, takes up the central volume of the building.

The building’s backbone also contains the haematology laboratories on the ground and first floor, including offices and support areas associated to them. On the second floor one can find the research laboratories, white rooms, etc.

Administrative offices are situated in the area near the main access on the first floor. Management and direction offices are situated on the second floor.

Mobile units are located on the ground floor, close to the exit into the manoeuvre courtyard.